NAB anti-gun — Shots fired

National Australia Bank (NAB) has unveiled itself today as anti-gun. We suspected as much being the Foundation Partner of the Alannah & Madeline Foundation huge anti-gun lobbyists.

It has been revealed that the NAB has dumped Boonah gun store Smiffy’s Guns & Ammo for “the risks associated with providing banking services to customers involved in certain industries” . Read the full article here.

So as gun owners, we must unite and stomp out this nonsense. Here is how we can do it.

  • Write a letter to NAB advising that we will be avoiding using their products and
  • Write to their clients and advise them we will not by purchasing from them.

This simple strategy can hurt them even if you don’t have a bank account. If you see a business that you frequent uses an NAB EFTPOS machine cancel the transaction. Then ensure you inform the business verbally as to why your cancelling the transaction. Then follow it up with a letter to the head of the organisation.

The more dissatisfied customers stores have, the stores will have to raise issues with NAB. The smaller the business, the bigger the impact.

We are a minority, but plenty of minorities have their voices heard. Time to raise a shout! Let show them – Get Woke Go Broke!

How long before they stop you being able to buy firearms or accessories with your own credit card or cash, just because “we don’t like your sport”. Enough is enough.

Here’s a basic template to copy and paste into a letter to send to the NAB (It’s reply paid so it’s costing them money). Try to change the wording as the more individual the letter is the more effect it will have, but copy and paste as a minimum.

Send to:
National Australia Bank
General Manager
NAB Resolve
Reply Paid 2870
Melbourne VIC 8060

Dear Sir/Madam

I’m writing to you in disgust over your treatment of gun shops.

To withdraw your services from a rural business is disgusting.

As a law abiding licenced firearm owner owner I am personally offended.

As such I will be avoiding using your services moving forward.

This means I will be ***closing my bank account and*** boycotting your clients that use NAB EFTPOS machines or online payment portals.

I will be notifying these business in writing as to why I will not be purchasing from them and laying the blame with the NAB.

I look forward to the NAB changing it’s stance.
